Why Should You be Cruelty Free?

Welcome, hopefully again. Being Cruelty-Free is so awesome, and that's why you should be Cruelty Free too. Okay let's start by identifying the different cruelty free logos. Many logo on products can be fake so more people are likely to buy them. So these are the valid cruelty logos from different organizations.

This is the Leaping Bunny Program symbol. This is a valid form of a product being cruelty free

This is the PETA symbol. This is a valid form of a product being cruelty free.

This is the Choose Cruelty-Free symbol. This is a valid form of a product being cruelty free.

So now since we know the valid cruelty-free logos, let's get into the reasons why you should be cruelty-free. If you buy cruelty-free products you will feel better, I promise. You will feel ten times better knowing that your favorite products are not used to harm animals. .,
Also, you will be saving animals. You might be thinking "me changing will not make a difference; people will still be buying products and animals will be dying anyways."  Well, my friends, boycotting brands is the best way to change the behaviors of companies. Boycotts throughout history have shown permanent affect as well. So you boycotting one brand can make a difference! .

Now here is where the “tips” part of the website comes into play. I know that you probably have more than one product that isn't cruelty-free. So my best advice is to use that product up, then find a better cruelty-free product!

The “Products!” tab has my personal recommendations of cruelty-free products. I have tested these products on myself and my fellow Girl Scouts, and have provided you with information on them.